A landlord’s Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) has been a legal requirement since June 2020 for all privately rented properties.
The regulations state that landlords must have the electrical installations in their properties inspected by a qualified and competent person at least every 5 years. A responsible landlord wants to keep their tenants safe; most will already employ the services of a qualified electrician to inspect and repair the electrics in their properties. These changes help to provide clear guidance for landlords. If you are a landlord in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and need a landlord’s electrical installation condition report, Blue Tech Electrical are the local electricians you can trust to keep your property and tenants safe.
A Landlords Electrical Responsibility:
Under the current regulations, a landlord must have an electrical installation condition report (EICR) carried out by a qualified and competent person. This must happen at an interval of at least every 5 years, or earlier if recommended by your electrician. The registered electrician will inspect your property and provide you with a copy of your EIRC.
As a Landlord, You Must:
Give a copy of the EICR to your tenant within 28 days of the electrician’s inspection and test.
Supply a copy of the EICR to the local housing authority within 7 days of receiving a request.
Retain a copy of you EICR until the next inspection and test. You must supply a copy to the electrician who carries out your next electrical inspection.
Provide a copy of the electrical installation condition report to any new tenant before their tenancy begins; and any prospective tenant within 28 days of receiving a request in writing.
What will My Electrical Installation Condition Report state?
After the electrician has finished their inspection of the electrical installation in your property, they will issue the EICR. The report will include observations and will list items as either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Codes will indicate the urgency with which action is required.
Your electrician will go through their findings in detail and explain what steps are needed to rectify any issues. If your report is unsatisfactory, then remedial work will need to take place within 28 days or less if specified by your electrician.
If you are a landlord in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough and looking for a registered, competent electrician then Blue Tech Electrical are here to help. Our fully qualified, NICEIC registered electricians are ready to help you with all your landlord electrical needs including electrical installation condition reports.